Affiliate Marketing Process

Affiliate Marketing is a modern business trend that involves a relationship between the advertiser, publisher and consumer of a product. An advertiser can be a company selling products like clothes, cars, electronics or even an insurance company. Being an advertiser means that you are ready to pay other people who want to promote and sell your product.

A publisher is a company or a person who promotes an advertiser's product or service for a certain amount of money. An advertiser works with a publisher by providing him with banner or text ads, links and unique phone numbers for use in the publisher's web site.

A consumer then sees the ad and makes an action by clicking a link that will direct them to the advertiser. When a user visits a publisher's website, the visitor's browser automatically gets the tracking cookie that will recognize the advertiser, the publisher and the commission amount needed. They will, therefore, earn a commission depending on the contract agreements.

Affiliate Business Programs paid you on every sale when you promotes a product or service to potential customers. In exchange you get a commission on the sale when one occurs. Affiliate Programs are completely free to join and you can promote as many services and products as you wants on your blog or website, with no limitations. Find tens of thousands of products to promote online.

Some companies with affiliate programs: Amazon, eBay, Dell, Walmart, iTunes, Macys, McAfee, Delta Airlines, Affiliate network (LinkShare, Commission junction, ShareaSale, Clickbank). You can make money from every purchase and every sale of every service and every product ordered from your affiliate link. Refer friends and visitors to its sales site, through a special "yours-only" link. When they purchase, the company handle all the order-processing-and-fulfillment and... pay you a generous commission.